Magento - Gather API Credentials

Note: This is a legacy document for Magento 1.x. For Magento 2, please refer to:

Magento 2 Integration Guide

In order to enable API access, you must gather the following credentials from Magento:

  1. Web Service Username & API Key
  2. Store URL

In addition, for multi-site or multi-store Magento installations:

  1. Store View Code

Additional notes and information:

Web Service Username & API Key

  1. In the Magento administration panel, click System > Web Services (SOAP) > Roles.
  2. Click Add New Role.
  3. Define the Role Name as Administrator.
  4. Click Save Role.

Create an Administrator role, and save.

  1. On the Edit Role 'Administrator' page, under Role Information, click Role Resources.
  2. For Resource Access, select All.
  3. Click Save Role.

Grant Administrator role access to All resources, and save role.

  1. Click System > Web Services (SOAP) > Users.
  2. Click Add New User.
  3. Enter the Account Information details. Retain the Username and API Key that you enter in this step.
  4. Click Save User.

Create new SOAP user and save credentials.

  1. On the New User page, under User Information, click User Role.
  2. Click the radio button next to the Administrator Role Name.
  3. Click Save User.

Assign Administrator role, and save user.

Store URL

Your Store URL is the root URL of your Magento store.

Store View Code (optional)

The Store View Code is an optional feature for multi-site or multi-store Magento installations. If a Store View Code is specified in DropStream, only orders from the given store will be imported.

To find the Store View Code in Magento, go to System > Manage Stores.

In Magento, go to System, and click Manage Stores.

Enable WSDL cache (recommended)

To optimize the performance of the standard Magento API, enable the WSDL Cache setting:

  • In the Magento administration panel, click System > Configuration > Magento Core API.
  • Set Enable WSDL Cache to Yes.

Resolve error: Procedure 'login' not present

If you encounter the error Procedure 'login' not present, make the following change in Magento:

  1. In the Magento Admin Panel, Go to System > Magento Core API > WS-I Compliance.
  2. Set it to OFF.

Next: Enable API Access

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