Rakuten - Enable Inventory Tracking

The following steps are required to enable inventory tracking for Rakuten:

  1. Provision the Products
  2. Prepare the File
  3. Add the Details
  4. Upload the Files

Provision the Products

If the link below does not work for you, contact DropStream support at support@getdropstream.com, and we'll advise you how to proceed.

  1. In your web browser, go to http://www.rakuten.com/loc/Marketplace-Documents-for-New-SKU-Feeds/67031.html.
  2. Click Click here to get the inventory feed template.
  3. Download the Inventory Feed Template (Excel).
  4. Click Click here to get the inventory feed specifications to obtain the batch file format for the template.

Prepare the File

  1. Download the Excel file.
  2. Delete the first line in the file.
  3. Add the details of your product listings.

Add the Details

To add the details of the product listing(s) you can use the product listing export download feature. To use the export download feature:

  1. In the Rakuten Admin Dashboard, click Manage Products > Download Listings.
  2. Click Request Export Download.
  3. Wait for processing to complete and refresh the page. This will generate a file which can be used to prepare the product listings inventory feed. You should use the contents of this file as a guide when preparing your own product listings inventory feed. Ensure that your file is made in accordance with the Inventory Feed Specifications document.

Upload the File

Once the file is prepared it must be uploaded to the Rakuten FTP. To upload to the FTP:

  1. If working with an Excel file, click File > Save As.
  2. For the format, select Tab Delimited Text.
  3. Ensure that the file has the .template extension.
  4. Use your FTP client with Rakuten FTP credentials to login to the Rakuten FTP server.
  5. Access the inventory directory and upload the .template file (to the root inventory directory).


  • The template file must be in a tab-delimited format.
  • Whenever product quantities need to be updated, use DropStream to send the inventory listing feed to Rakuten.

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