Common Error Messages and How to Resolve Them

So you’ve set up your integration but one or more of your orders are stuck in ERROR status.

Don’t panic! Use this guide to diagnose and treat common problems. Don’t see your error message here? Error message persisting? Email us at for further assistance, we are happy to help.

401: X-Auth headers are required

Error Message: 401: X-Auth-Client and X-Auth-Token headers are required.

Explanation: This error could indicate that the store Username and/or Password is incorrect. Alternatively, this error could indicate that the store hash is incorrect.

Resolution: Check to ensure that the store settings have a correct Username and Password, and the correct store hash.

Cannot match [order rule]

Error Message: Cannot match [order rule].

Explanation: This error is thrown when the rule engine that parses and evaluates order rules is unable to apply the rule that you created to any order because of a semantic error.

Resolution: Check that the statements of your order rule are not contradictory, e.g.

  • IF A=yes AND A=no THEN B=0
  • IF A=1 THEN B=1 AND IF A=1 THEN B=0

Find a different way to formulate the rule.

Could not get order status [503 / 523]

Error Message: Could not get order status from warehouse. 503: Service Unavailable or 523: Origin Unreachable.

Explanation: The 503 Service Unavailable and 523 Origin Unreachable errors are HTTP status codes that mean that DropStream is unable to contact the web server that hosts your warehouse. Most of the time it occurs because the server is too busy or because there's maintenance being performed on it.

Resolution: Reprocess the order in question. If you need help reprocessing an order, see:

Reprocess orders in DropStream.

Could not get order status [missing CSV headers]

Error Message: Could not get order status from warehouse.

Explanation: This error indicates that one or more .CSV headers is missing, or the .CSV file is corrupt.

Resolution: Inspect all .CSV files for correct formatting, re-submit .CSV file with corrected headers. Please email for more information on resolving this error.

Could not notify store of shipment [422]

Error Message: Could not notify store of order shipment.

Explanation: When an order is shipped, a tracking number and fulfillment location id is generated and sent from warehouse to the store. If the location id doesn't match with the order's fulfillment location id in the store, an error is generated.

Resolution: Check Warehouse Settings - if there are multiple fulfillment locations in the dropdown menu, adjust to the appropriate fulfillment center address.

Could not notify store of shipment [18028]

Error Message:Could not notify store of order shipment.

Explanation: This error occurs when the ship-date of an order was not within the order date/time and the current date/time. This usually occurs when the store’s timezone is different from the warehouse’s timezone.

Resolution: Make sure that the timezone for the store matches the time zone at the warehouse. In addition, email and request that the support team updates the time zone accordingly.

Could not notify store of shipment [ERR031]

Error Message:Could not notify store of order shipment.

Explanation: This error indicates that the order was cancelled on the STORE side.

Resolution: No resolution here, the order is now invalid. You may wish to archive the order if you would like.

Could not send order to fulfillment

Error Message: Could not send order to fulfillment center. Please check that the Warehouse’s credentials have not changed.

Explanation: This error indicates that the Warehouse credentials are incorrect, or no longer valid.

Resolution: Check Warehouse Settings - ensure credentials are correct, or are updated if new credentials have been generated.

Could not send order to fulfillment [undefined method]

Error Message: Could not send order to fulfillment center.

Explanation: This error occurs when the CSV file for orders has an incorrect date/time format.

Resolution: Ensure date/time format is ['%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ]in CSV files.

No implicit conversion [of x to y]

Error Message: No implicit conversion of String into Integer.

Explanation: This error could indicate that the customer’s credentials are incorrect. For WooCommerce customers, it could indicate that one or more of the steps involved in setting up the DropStream plugin was missed.

Resolution: For NON-WooCommerce customers: Check that the correct credentials are being used.

For WooCommerce customers,

  • Check that the correct credentials are being used.
  • Whitelist the following IP address at ALL levels - host, site, etc.:
  • Ensure that Firewall/Virus/Malware/reCAPTCHA is not preventing DropStream from connecting with the store.
  • Ensure WooCommerce setup indicates that XML-RPC is enabled.
  • Ensure DropStream plugin is installed and active.

Problem updating the rule

Error Message: There has been a problem updating the rule. Please review the problems below.

Explanation: This error is triggered when the rule engine that processes order rules is unable to parse the rule that you created because of a syntactic error. This may happen if you specify an IF-clause but not a THEN-clause, or if you forget a matching parenthesis in the Advanced Editor.

Resolution: Check that the statements of your order rule are syntactically correct and find a different way to formulate the rule. Your rule will not be saved unless all errors are corrected.

Shipping warehouse code

Error Message: Shipping warehouse code.

Explanation: This error indicates that there is no defined shipping mapping for the order, and cannot make it to the warehouse.

Resolution: Make sure that your shipping methods are properly mapped in the required Shipping Description Transformer Rule.

The length of the string is [x]

Error Message: The length of the string is 60, but it must be less than or equal to 30 characters.

Explanation: This error occurs when an incorrect format is used in a field.

Resolution: Adjust field settings on the store side to pull values less than or equal to 30 characters. Use shorter input values.

Note: The specific number of characters may vary, depending on the error.

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