Skubana - Gather API Credentials

To enable API access to your Skubana account, the following credentials must be gathered:

Skubana Username and Password

If you are the Skubana administrator, you can use those account credentials, and proceed to gather the Warehouse Name.

Or, you can create a new Skubana user. This is useful if a third party will be setting up the Integration for you.

To create a new Skubana user:

  1. Log in to Skubana.
  2. Click Settings > User Administration.

Skubana, Settings, User Administration.

  1. Click +New User.
  2. Check the box for Skubana Apps.

Click +New User, and check the box for Skubana Apps.

  1. Click Save. The new user will be asked to create a new password.
  2. Retain the Username and Password.

Warehouse Name(s)

  1. Log in to Skubana.
  2. Click Settings > Warehouses.

Skubana, Settings, Warehouses.

  1. Retain the Warehouse Name(s).

Next: Enable API Access

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