ClickFunnels - Create New Webhook

Follow these steps to create a ClickFunnels Webhook to deliver orders to DropStream.

As of Oct. 1, 2022, DropStream webhook URLs use a new, more secure format.

  • If you are still using a legacy DropStream webhook URL (ending in
    /cart/hooks/click-funnels), first Archive the old webhook in Click Funnels.
  • Then, create a new webhook using the instructions below.

Copy DropStream Webhook URL

  1. In the DropStream sidebar, click Stores, then the name of your ClickFunnels store.
  2. In the Store settings, click the Copy icon next to the Funnel URL to copy it your clipboard.


Create new webhook in Click Funnels

  1. In Click Funnels, go to your Funnel and click Settings.


  1. Scroll down to the middle of the Settings page. In the Webhooks area, click Manage Your Funnel Webhooks.


  1. Click +New Webhook.


  1. In the New Funnel Webhook settings, enter the following values:
  • For URL, enter the Funnel URL from your DropStream Store settings (obtained in step 2).
  • For Event, click the X next to "All Events" to remove it. Then, select the event purchase_created.
  • For Version, leave it set to 1.
  • For Adapter, choose json.
  1. Click Create Funnel Webhook.


Next: Create Delivery Attempts

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