Squarespace - Gather API Credentials

In order to enable API access to Squarespace, you must create a unique API key.

Create an API key in Squarespace

  1. Log in to Squarespace, and click Settings.

In Squarespace, click Settings.

  1. Click Advanced.

Click Advanced.

  1. Click Developer API Keys.

Squarespace: Developer API Keys

  1. Click Generate Key.

Squarespace: Generate API Key

  1. Name your key.
  2. Under API KEY SCOPE,
    • Select Read and Write for Orders.
    • Select Read and Write for Inventory.

Squarespace: Set API key name, Set API Scope for Orders: Read and Write, Set API Scope for Inventory: Read and Write.

  1. Click Next.
  2. Retain the displayed API Key.

Retain API Key.

Next: Enable API Access

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