ChannelAdvisor - Enable API Access (REST version 2)

Follow these steps to configure a REST ChannelAdvisor API connection.

REST (version 2) is the recommended API version for ChannelAdvisor.

Gather REST API credentials

To configure a REST API connection, the ChannelAdvisor account Email and Password are required.

Enable REST API connection in DropStream

  1. In your DropStream Dashboard, click Stores.

In the DropStream Dashboard, click Store.

  1. Click the name of your ChannelAdvisor store.
  2. In Connection details, click Authorize.
  3. A ChannelAdvisor login window opens. Enter the ChannelAdvisor Email and Password, and Log in.

When authorization is complete, you are returned to the DropStream setup.

  1. To enable inventory sync, specify the Distribution Center.
  2. Click Save changes.


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