Infor WMS - Enable API Access

If you have not yet set up the Application in DropStream, follow these steps first:

Gather API Credentials in Infor

Set up Application in DropStream

You'll also need the connection string for the SFTP server where Infor is uploading shipment XML files. If you haven't already, follow these steps before proceeding:

Gather SFTP Connection String

Enter API credentials in DropStream

  1. In your DropStream Dashboard, click Merchants.


  1. Click the name of your Infor Merchant.
  2. In Connection details, configure the following settings:
  • App Marketplace — from the dropdown, select the name of the app you configured in the steps Set Up Application in DropStream.
  • Storer Key — The code, usually two or three letters, specific to this mrchant. This `storerkey` code will be placed on order data sent to Infor.
  • Warehouse Identifier — select the correct warehouse identifier from the dropdown list.
  • Connection String — The SFTP connection string described in the steps, Gather SFTP Connection String. This SFTP server is required for transmitting Shipment Notice XML to DropStream, which relays it to the sales channel after an order has shipped.


  1. Click Save changes.


Back to: Integration Overview

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